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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

boruto, narutos next generation episode 91 preview and spoiler

Hi everyone, today's episode was full of fights it's a good thing that they cover all the fight with good coordination means they don't lose us anywhere in anime.

Today's episode starts with a small recap in which Ku was wounded because of attack from Mitsuki which they show us in the last episode.

After attack Ku gotten weak so he ran away then boruto and Sarada go after Ku to catch him in his weak condition, and Mitsuki stop to fight with sekiei who is angry because Mitsuki turn on them.

kirara stop boruto and Sarada in the way and she combines all her remaining Akuma with her visual jutsu and made one big golem monster of stone.

In between fight with Golem and boruto garaga interact with boruto and with that boruto summoned garaga in a field of the fight with Golem and Sarada fight with Kirara.

Boruto destroys the golem with the help of garaga as well as Sarada defeat Kirara with using her visual jutsu and raw power.

Mitsuki fights with sekiei while he told sekiei that he doesn't want to fight him but he won't listen and start the fight but Mitsuki nullifies all his earth type attack with his lightning type attack and defeat sekiei.

In the end, sekiei says that he just wanted a friend like boruto, Mitsuki tell sekiei that there is someone who can give you heart which helps you live but sekiei said no because he knows that his body can't hold that much and then he died while asking Mitsuki that they are friends.

All of that commotion Ku reach laboratory were doctor tell him that he needs heart instant but all the donors ran away. After listening that he attacks the doctor and take his heart. At the same time, sekki helps former Tsuchikage.

After both battles, boruto Sarada and Mitsuki reunite at the bottom of the laboratory when in instant on blast happens and Ku came out with a new heart in his chest.

Boruto Sarada and Mitsuki understand that this is a bad sign.

Now in the next episode we will see the fight between boruto and his company with Ku where he tells them that what his will.

Next episode of boruto will release on 27 January 2019

